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throughlines: 2024 Juried Members’ Exhibition

February 14 at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST This is a recurring event. See all events.

art featuring strips of various photos descending in a staircase


Tel: 705-748-3883


3-378 Aylmer Street N
Peterborough, ON K9H 3V8 Canada
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Artspace is kicking off its 50th anniversary year is an exhibition dedicated to their valued membership!

Throughlines: 2024 Juried Members’ Exhibition proudly presents the work of 20 of Artspace Members, including a media arts installation in Gallery 2 co-presented with ReFrame Film Festival. On the commencement of this milestone year, we asked artists to submit work imbued with a look back and a look forward, while asking ourselves, what are the most consistent traits of our membership? What are those characteristics that draw artists to artist-run culture. What are the throughlines?

The threads that characterize the last five decades of artist-run culture at Artspace, however tangled or pristinely woven, heart-achingly water-damaged or painstakingly archived, are the relationships that built and continually reinvent Artspace. These relationships, whether captured and retold as linear and well-documented narratives or as an ever-evolving patchwork of memories and vision, will unfold well into the future.

In contemplating this milestone year, it is natural – a default – to retell the familiar stories of our beginnings. And, we will tell those compelling and valuable stories. But there are and there will be others.

Every Artspace membership represents an influence into what Artspace can become. How can we ensure that the insights and wisdom of voices previously unheard are woven into the fabric of our story? This is a line of thought we’re giving lots of energy these days.

Participating Artists:
Alexandra Box, Samantha Chiusolo, Marta Chudolinska, Brad Copping, Garrett Gilbart, Lesley Givens, Theresa Godin, Christopher Green, Laura Honsberger, Ann Jaeger, Tim Laurin, Jane Lowbeer, Jeff Macklin, Joseph Muscat, Rob Niezen, Kelly O’Neill, Laura Paluck, Lynda Todd, Jane Wild, and Nikoiya Wile