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Snofest 2024

February 16 - February 19 EST

image of a man in a snowman mascot, giving a high five to a small child.

City of Peterborough

Tel: 705-742-7777

Multiple Venues

Canada + Google Map

Snofest is back with an engaging schedule of events to embrace and celebrate the beautiful winter season, encouraging City residents to be active and social throughout the Family Day long weekend February 16 to 19, 2024.

Highlights of the schedule of events include a family swim night, the Snow Much Fun outdoor skating and snow play party at Quaker Foods City Square, the Mayor’s Pancake Breakfast presented in partnership with the East Peterborough Lions Club, a snowsuit story time provided by the Peterborough Public Library and the Peterborough Museum and Archives, a family skate on holiday Monday at Healthy Planet Arena and much more.

Visit the schedule of events here!