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Disclaimer: Peterborough & the Kawarthas Classics Road Cycling Routes


Peterborough & the Kawarthas Road Cycling Routes/Maps

All the maps, rides, routes and other information presented are for reference and information purposes only and may not be completely accurate or updated. 

Users agree to assume full responsibility and use any printed and online maps, routes and other information presented at their own risk.  Users irrevocably waive and release any claim they may have at any time related to injuries, losses or damages that may result in their use of the maps, routes and other information provided herein. For greater certainty, Users agree that none of the Corporation of the County of Peterborough, the Corporation of the City of Peterborough, Shimano Canada Ltd., The Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation, nor any other sponsor is responsible for any damage, loss or personal injury which users may suffer as a result of using these routes/ maps regardless of how such damage, loss or personal injury may arise.

The printed and online maps presented have been developed to assist experienced cyclists in planning trips.  The cycling routes are primarily on-road and, in most cases, do not contain special treatment for cyclists, such as bike lanes or wayfinding signage. 

Cyclists must obey Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act and always use appropriate caution.

The routes are intended for experienced cyclists.  Experienced cyclists are those who road cycle daily/regularly and have high cycling skill level on roads and/or those who have completed the CAN-BIKE level 2 course, or an equivalent training course.  These maps and Cycling Routes are not intended for use by children or novice cyclists.

When planning a route, each cyclist should evaluate the Cycling Route based on:

(1) cyclist’s level of experience and ability;

(2) cyclist’s comfort level when cycling in close proximity to motorized vehicles;

(3) the weather conditions and time of day;

(4) the posted speed limit; and

(5) road obstacles, whether temporary or permanent, such as construction, potholes, changes in grade, or road closures.

The designation of an area on the map as a Cycling Route, bicycle lane, route or pathway does not guarantee any minimum width, facility surface quality, or traffic condition.