Exhibits & Shows
Words & Beyond: How Communication Brings Us Together
Peterborough Museum and Archives 300 Hunter Street East, PeterboroughThe Peterborough Museum & Archives (PMA) Heideman Gallery was transformed by up-and-coming museum professionals from Fleming College’s Museum Management and Curatorship program! The students’ exhibition explores how communication has shaped…
Ets’ehch’I; Traditional Dene Burial Practices | Antoine Mountain
Art Gallery of Peterborough 250 Crescent Street, Peterborough“We call it Feeding the Fire,” Uncle quietly offers… The Mountain Dene are naturally of a world apart, in its way separate from our usual worldly cares and woes. To…
Stan Olthuis | Interconnected
Art Gallery of Peterborough 250 Crescent Street, PeterboroughInterconnected is a solo exhibition of work by Stan Olthuis. Grounding the entire project is Mira la Vida, a large-scale kinetic sculpture comprised of two eight-foot intersecting discs representing the…