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Words & Beyond: How Communication Brings Us Together

Peterborough Museum and Archives 300 Hunter Street East, Peterborough

The Peterborough Museum & Archives (PMA) Heideman Gallery was transformed by up-and-coming museum professionals from Fleming College’s Museum Management and Curatorship program! The students’ exhibition explores how communication has shaped…

Event Series Stan Olthuis | Interconnected

Stan Olthuis | Interconnected

Art Gallery of Peterborough 250 Crescent Street, Peterborough

Interconnected is a solo exhibition of work by Stan Olthuis. Grounding the entire project is Mira la Vida, a large-scale kinetic sculpture comprised of two eight-foot intersecting discs representing the…

All Ages Fishing Derby

Peterborough Lift Lock 353 Hunter Street E, Peterborough

$25 per adult (16+) to fish all week. Registered youth from the “Youth Fishing Derby” may fish daily using their existing wristband. On-site registration daily from 8am-9pm. Cash, debit, and…

Event Series Craft Café

Craft Café

Peterborough Public Library 345 Aylmer St N, Peterborough

Bring your own needlework or papercraft projects for Peterborough Public Library's weekly crafters’ meetup where we share tips, ideas, challenges, and successes! They will have a Cricut machine available for…
