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Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival

June 22 All day This is a recurring event. See all events.

a building at Trent University

Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival (NIFF) is an unjuried, uncensored festival for independent Indigenous performers in theatre, dance, music and comedy. Participants send in applications, are chosen by lottery and are free to create and perform what they wish. Performers receive 100% of the box office proceeds. NIFF is proud to be a member of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals.

NIFF opens with ceremony on June 21 and continues with public performances from June 22-26. With more than 40 performances by nine companies, these will be a busy five days at the East Bank campus of Trent University. Performances are planned indoors at Nozhem First Peoples Performance Space and outdoors in spaces around the Enwayaang building. Each show is no more than 60 minutes in length, all tickets are $10 with all proceeds going directly to performers and tickets will be available through the Showplace box office starting in May.