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Harley Farms

Come and experience for yourself what sets Harley Farms apart. Sign up for a professional tour which includes a behind-the-scenes look to understand animal welfare and how happy and healthy our animals are, living in their natural environment.

Close up of small goat face
Two little pigs in grass
Five brown and white cows laying in grass
Two white lambs laying in the grass
Two little pigs in grass
Close up of small goat face
Two little pigs in grass


1630 Heritage Line
Keene, Ontario
K0L 2G0


  • Open Year Round
  • Store or Gift Shop
  • Washrooms Available

Come and experience for yourself what sets Harley Farms apart. Sign up for a professional tour which includes a behind-the-scenes look to understand animal welfare and how happy and healthy our animals are, living in their natural environment.

Our farming system is grounded in the belief that our animals should be raised as humanely and naturally as possible. As a result, our farm animals are kept together in family groups for most of their lives, which reduces their stress levels and supports their overall health. We also believe in maximizing the use of our pastures and forage crops, which allows the animals to subsist predominantly on the plants and crops they are meant to consume, thereby reducing our dependency on grains in our livestock finishing program.

We strive to provide our animals with as much fresh air and abundant space to roam as possible, preferring to shelter rather than confine them. Our Heritage Tamworth sows, for example, can be seen out in the fields year-round with their young. Even on the coldest, snowiest days, the pigs seem happiest outside as long as they have a dry and warm shelter to retreat to when they’re ready to come in.  We breed livestock best suited to the climate and surrounding environment and likely to thrive and fatten off a pasture and forage-based diet.

Come and experience for yourself what sets Harley Farms apart. We offer a range of different farm experiences, including farm tours, nature tours, and more interactive activities, like lamb bottle-feeding. 

Throughout the year, Harley Farms offers seasonal farm experiences and sustainability workshops. Some examples of our offerings include: lamb bottle-feeding, lamb playtime, a quiet moment with the piglets, wildflower planting and seed-collecting, wildlife surveys and “Farmer for a Morning.” Check out our website for the experiences and workshops that are currently available!

Harley Farms Offers:

  • Workshops
  • Guided Tours
  • Educational Experiences
  • Private Events
  • Farm Store
  • Harley Farms Butcher Shop (East City, Peterborough)

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