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Adam and Eve Rocks

Geologically speaking, they are known as “erratics”.

Local folklore legends say that if two loves hold hands and each touch one of the rocks, their lives will be blessed.

Date Idea!
Two large rocks a few feet away from each other with tree in the middle in the distance
Two large rocks a few feet away from each other with tree in the middle in the distance


805-802 Adam & Eve Road
Buckhorn, Ontario
K0L 1J0

Located in the Municipality of Trent Lakes, these glacial rocks are remnants of the last ice age.

In geological terms they are known as “Erratics.” Similar rocks can be found around Trent Lakes. These rocks were named by early settlers as The Adam & Eve Rocks.

Folklore legend has it, that if two lovers hold hands and each touch one of the rocks, their lives will be blessed.

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